Hi friends!
In Australia we found out that our passports are almost full and our accounts
are nearly empty....The bikes are wrecked (BMWs...) so we decided to send them
to Hamburg (Quite cheap 350 USD for both, only!).
We visited friends in Bejing and took the Transiberian Railway back to Europe.
This was a marvellous journey (7 days and 9000km) but not easy to do because
of the visas for Russia and Belorussia. Lake Baikal was still frozen, mongolia
full of horses and moscow full of drunken people.
In Berlin we went straight to the ongoing Anti Bush demonstration and to the
institute for tropical deseases. They found out that rene imported some aliens
in his stomach....
Now we are in Hamburg where we picked up the bikes at the port. No problems
there, customs and shipping-agents were efficent (no wonder it is germany!)
After 13 month of travelling we are enjoing spring in germany and looking for
a place to settle and make money for the next trip.....
See you in germany if you pass by, we inform you with our new adress here as
soon as possible.
good luck for those on the road and all the best
dorothea und rene