Travel News - Syrien

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News vom 25. Juni 2001

welcome to assads syria ...

... if you have any obvious delay in border crossing procedure pls send a fax to the ministry and or make a complaint to the officer in charge.

means a lot of things changed in syria it is a wonderful country internet is easy damasus is a dream. the first night we were invited by a olive oil fabricant who has relatives in germany. he took us with his 1962 buick cabriolet to his summerhouse on the yarmouk river and treated us with food and tea.... a real dream of 1001 nights. nobody will believe it. still we are not believing it.

now we are in damascus in a classic old hotel (palace!!). There we met other bikers. one swiss girl with a indian enfiled came alone over paki turkey to here. a belgian couple on a XT600 is on the way to nepal/india almoust the same way we want to go. so misch muschkila (no problem) here. going now to the teahous behind the omayyad mosque....


dorothea and rene